Descriptive Text, King Cobra. Soal UN Bahasa Inggris

Soal UN Bahasa Inggris Descriptive Text.  Pembaca yang budiman  yang sedang berapa saja semoga apa yang anda lakukan selalu bermanfaat bagi anda dan orang- orang disekitar anda.

pembaca yang budiman berikut ini adalah contoh soal UN Bahasa Inggris Descriptive Text. dengan judul:

 King Cobra

The king cobra is the largest venomous snake in the world. It has special muscles and ribs in its neck that spread out to form a "hood" when the cobra feels threatened. This makes the snake look bigger than it really is, and may help scare away predators. 

King cobras make a deep, loud hissing sound. Like the rattle of the rattlesnake, the hiss is a warning signal that can be heard from a distance. The message is: "I am big, bad, and will bite you if you come any closer!"

Most cobras are known to protect their eggs after laying them, but the female king cobra does even more. She uses her body and head to move leaves around to build a nest. After she lays her eggs, she covers them with more leaves, and stays on top of the nest until the eggs hatch.

1.  What does the intention of the writer write the text above?
a. To retell about body of  cobra.
b. To share about the eggs of cobras.
c. To describe the King Cobra in general.
d. To describe the snake as a predator.

2. What does the female king cobra use to move leaves around to build a nest?
a. Her eggs.
b. Her body and head.
c. Her body.
d. Her head.

3. What do most cobras do after laying their eggs?
a. Protecting them by covering them with more leaves, and stays on    top of the nest until the eggs hatch.
b. Protecting them but the female king cobra does even more.
c. They covers them with more leaves and keep their eggs in their cave.
d. They protect them by her body and head to move leaves around to build a nest.

Oke,, Pembaca  yang budiman bagaimana? anda bisa kan kerjakan soal tersebut, gampang sekali kan?  okelah kalau begitu semoga pembaca  makin pinter, makin mahir dengan Bahasa Inggris. ok dulu ya. sampai ketemu di postingan berikutnya. tetap semangat .. belajar belajar dan belajar. see you


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