soal UN Bahasa Inggris short message

Pembaca setia pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan menyajikan sebuah contoh sms dan soalnya.

To : Randy
There won't  basketball practice this week because Mr. Indra is having a holiday with his family in Singapore now. The basketball practice will be started again next week. Please tell the other basketball members.
Sender : Gilang

1.  To whom is the message addressed to?
A. Mr. Indra                            C. Randy
B. Basketball team                     D. Gilang

2.  From the text above, we can conclude that Mr. Indra is probably ....
A. the owner of the club
B. the captain of basketball team
C. the principal of the school
D. the trainer of the basketball team

Setelah membaca dan memahami text diatas, apakah jawaban Anda? pastinya jawaban anda adalah  nomor 1 adalah C dan D tuk nomor 2.   tepat sekali. terima kasih atas kunjungan saidara pada blog ini.  semoga bermanfaat.


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